Thursday, May 15, 2014

Check-up Time.

We are currently in Wisconsin visiting my sister and brother-in-law.  It is good to take time away from our traveling life and reconnect.  We have been treated like royalty here, way too spoiled I think by eating out every night. Next year I think we will plan things a little better and allow more time for visiting and doctor's visits.  On our way home, we will stop and visit my brother Steve and his wife, Mona in Ft. Wayne and share a bowl of chili and then we will be off to Lima.  The travel trailer is down at the lake for it's annual check-up so we are hoping that when we go home we can go down and pick it up. Part of the trouble with being a turtle when it is time for a check up is that you have to find a place to stay.  Well off to do some more visiting.  Life is good, well at least so far.